Member Bios

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  As the founding father of Tri-City Quartet, Jay has been with the group since day one. He is manager of the gorup and bass singer. He is not only a talented singer he is also an outsdanding musician, and an accomplished songwriter. Jay also leads the way as a minister and evangelist, and is the latest working of all the group working as their bus driver as well. He spends many hours a week preparing the bus for the many miles to be traveled that week. His favorite song to sing on stage is "What a Way To Live".  His new name is "Paw Paw" because he has 2 new grandsons which is" Randall Aaron Lee Daniel" which was borned on January 3rd, 2008 at 1:21PM Central time and "Kaleb Douglas Layne Daniel" which was borned on October 3rd, 2009 at 8:59AM Central time.

 Since the beginning of the group Pat has been working along with her husband Jay in an unending effort to spread the good news that Jesus lives. She sings tenor and alto as well as writes beautiful songs for the group.Pat wrote Tri~City Quartet's most requested song "Momma's Rocking Chair in Memory of her mother. "Momma's Rocking Chair" has made many charts and continues to do well domestically and internationally. With a heart of gold and a testimony that can show healing power of Jesus Christ in today's world, she has become an essential part of ministering to the hurting, sick, and the lost. Pat also keeps all the bookings for the ministry.Her new name is "MawMaw" because she has two new grandsons which is "Randall Aaron Lee Daniel" which was borned on January 3rd, 2008 at 1:21PM Central Time and "Kaleb Douglas Layne Daniel" which was borned on October 3rd, 2009 at 8:59AM Central Time.

Jamie is the twenty four year old Son of Jay and Pat Daniel. This multi-talented young artist brings a since of excitement to the stage, as he plays many different instruments which include: Guitar, Harmonica, Piano and pretty much else within his reach. Jamie's ability to capture the hearts of their fans is a reflection of his singing, testifying, and even preaching. He also reaches the audience by using his humerous one-liners, telling stories, and if the opportunity arises doing some imitations. He has a spirit that reaches out to all, but has a burden for the young people today. Jamie has been around Gospel Music all of his life. Jamie has been married to Brittany Daniel for 3 years now. On January 3rd, 2008 he received his best birthday present of his life time at 1:21PM Central time which was the birth of his precious son "Randall Aaron Lee Daniel" On October 3rd, 2009 at 8:59AM Central time Jamie and Brittany had another son "Kaleb Douglas Layne Daniel" . Jamie is trying to sit the examples in his  two son's life that was set by his father in his life.

Brittany remembers as a child her pastors wife Terry would get up to sing "God on the Mountain" and knowing that Brittany loved to sing she would call her up to sing with her she would pick her up and sit her on the piano. Growing up Brittany would tell everyone that her dream was to be a Southern Gospel Singer. Brittany stated "I would never have thought my dream would come true, but I thank GOD everyday that he gave me the talent to sing and gave me the BEST group in Gospel Music to sing with. Brittany had sang in church choirs but had never sang in a Quartet when she joined Tri~City Quartet as Jamie's girlfriend, fiance, wife, and then mother of 2 Special little boys "Randall Aaron Lee Daniel" and "Kaleb Douglas Layne Daniel"